African Development Fund helps finance Sahofika hydropower project
The African Development Fund (AFD) has approved a €4.02 million loan with a grant component to finance the Government of Madagascar’s €30 million equity...
The African Development Fund (AFD) has approved a €4.02 million loan with a grant component to finance the Government of Madagascar’s €30 million equity...
Turkey's Garanti BBVA has rolled over the syndicated loan it received from international markets and signed loan agreements totalling about $700 million. Both the...
Small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia will benefit from better access to finance thanks to a €40 million loan provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction...
IDB Invest has issued a COP2.3 billion ($612 million) 13-month Standby Letter of Credit to Colombia's Bancoldex.The deal aims to provide access to financing to seven...
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) has signed a €30 million deal with the Development Bank of Austria (OeEB) aimed to finance private sector projects...
The African Development Bank has approved a €188 million loan to support the Government of Kenya’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate the...
The Djiboutian government has approved and validated the €360 million Grand Bara solar photovoltaic power project.The plant will be developed, built and operated by...
Latin American development bank CAF is holding calls with investors and setting up a benchmark-sized sale of social bonds denominated in euros, a source said.The lender...
The World Bank has approved a €90 million package to help Belarus respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the country’s national healthcare...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has agreed a €25 million working capital loan to Turkey's Yayla Agro to allow it to increase its production...
The International Finance Corporation has agreed a $116.5 million long-term financing package to BBVA Leasing Mexico, a provider of vehicle and machinery leases. The...
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has agreed a €91.34 million (about $100 million equivalent) in support of an emergency project to help Georgia deal with the...
The World Bank has approved a $54 million International Development Association credit to improve health service delivery to women, children, and adolescents in...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has agreed a €5.8 million loan to the Smolyan Water Supply and Sanitation Company in Bulgaria for a project to...
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration and South Korea have signed a $50 million grant agreement for non-reimbursable financial cooperation to be channeled...
Montenegro has received a €250 million ($274 million) syndicated loan from commercial banks to cover budget expenditures related to the measures adopted to limit the...
The World Bank has approved a $1 billion budget support operation for Kenya, which helps close the fiscal financing gap, while supporting reforms that help advance the...
The North American Development Bank has raised CHF340 million ($352 million) from a two-part bond deal in the Swiss bond market as part of a liability management...
The Asian Development Bank, alongside the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and United Nations Development Programme have jointly...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has agreed a $55 million loan to Turkish lender Garanti BBVA. The EBRD financing, which will be channelled...