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26 July 2024
IT and telecoms

Sonatel’s securitisation: Connecting local investors and telecoms

The importance of digital infrastructure cannot be underestimated: a community connected to the internet generates jobs, security, and economic growth. Telecoms providers...

19 July 2024
Finance and other

Guarantees: Are MDBs going to get their ducks in a row?

Guarantees demonstrably catalyse private capital mobilisation in emerging markets. So why do MDBs use them so sparingly? The problem is institutional incompatibility.

09 July 2024
Renewable energy

Uxolo Athens: DEG's DeWit on upping DFI support

Uxolo spoke with Natalie DeWit, DEG Invest's head of strategy to outline how the German DFI is backing small-scale projects and gender-based SME lending to its first...

08 July 2024

Uxolo Athens: ADB’s abundant green horizons

Bart Raemaekers, head of guarantees and syndications at ADB, discusses how the bank’s $13 billion pipeline is leveraging de-risking elements to meet a strong commercial...

05 July 2024
Climate finance, Renewable energy

Tanzania: How to grow a green capital market

Tanzania tapped its first ever green bond in 2023 and laid a seedbed for this year's even bigger green issue, and its first municipal bond. The notes are viable routes to...

28 June 2024

Catch up on all 2024 event content

Having exclusive access to our extensive library of 2024 content is a game-changer. Catch up on sessions from Global 2024 and more.

28 June 2024
Renewable energy, Social projects

Uxolo Athens: ILX Fund's broader church of investors

Uxolo spoke with Guillaume Le Bris, head of infrastructure and energy at ILX Fund to discuss how the Amsterdam-based fund is working with DFIs and governments to attract...

28 June 2024
Climate finance

Financing adaptation: Finding the right fit

Despite the urgent, growing need for climate adaptation and resilience financing, volumes sit at just a tenth of climate mitigation flows. The private sector is...

25 June 2024
Climate finance, Social infrastructure, Social projects

Uxolo Athens: BII bullish on Africa despite pricing volatility

Colin Buckley, managing director and general counsel at British International Investment (BII) outlines the UK development bank’s new commitments, including its bullish...

21 June 2024

Mobilisation: A reality check

The billions to trillions narrative which the development finance network has based its private capital mobilisation aspirations on since 2015 is on shaky ground because,...

14 June 2024

The new wave MDBs

New Development Bank (NDB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) were both set up almost a decade ago – 2015 and 2016, respectively. As their first decade...

06 June 2024

The mobilisers

Given the urgency of energy transition related projects, DFI direct lending to project and export finance deals has risen significantly in recent years – but it is still...

31 May 2024
Climate finance

Resilience credits: Measures for measure

All roads out of a successful development project should lead to better resilience. But financing resilience per se is difficult given it cannot be easily measured....

24 May 2024
Climate finance

SLBs: The right debt tool for biodiversity?

Sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) can be more flexible than traditional green debt and are well-suited to the long-term, outcome-oriented, carefully structured KPIs that...

17 May 2024
Social infrastructure, Traditional energy

Financing last-mile connections in Africa

Low-income household energy projects in Africa are increasingly being financed via securitisation structures. The deals are relatively small, but the impact could prove...

07 May 2024

Shona Tatchell: EBRD's new head of trade facilitation on digitalisation and sustainability

In her first interview since her appointment on 7 May, Shona Tatchell, the new head of trade and supply chain finance, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development...

03 May 2024

Greasing the cogs of ECA and DFI cooperation

Could the recent rapid growth in untied ECA lending make collaboration with DFIs and MDBs easier in the future?

26 April 2024
Finance and other

MDB callable capital: What's next?

After a year's research, ODI has released six papers detailing the legal, policy, budgetary, stress, risk, and financial implications of MDB callable capital – research...

18 April 2024

Uxolo Pathfinder Awards 2023: A tale of two climates

Against the backdrop of an increasingly risky economic climate and growing demand from borrowers, the development finance sector continues to push the boundaries on...

12 April 2024

GEMs: The dollars are in the details

The long-hoped-for first report on recovery rates from the Global Emerging Markets Risk Database (GEMs) consortium was published last month, and quickly followed by...