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01 March 2023

Kicking off 2023 in Miami: Pre-event intelligence with FinDev Canada's Lori Kerr

Lori Kerr, CEO of FinDev Canada, gives a preview of her upcoming talk at the Uxolo & Proximo Latin America Development, Energy & Infrastructure Finance 2023 event, where...

23 February 2023
Waste and water

And for its next trick…

How do you finance a Vietnamese water purifying project without lending to it? Last week the World Bank did just that via the issue of its second outcome-based bond.

17 February 2023
Social infrastructure

Are DFIs doing enough to support EV infrastructure growth?

DFI support for EV charging infrastructure is growing – slowly. The scale of support is still very low given the size of the investment requirement, and the focus to date...

09 February 2023
Finance and other

Are hybrid capital bonds the funding solution MDBs have been searching for?

Hybrid capital bonds have appeal for MDBs because they potentially provide access to new financing without affecting MDB credit ratings. Uxolo explores the intricacies of...

08 February 2023
Climate finance

Illuminating the way to sustainability: TNC's debt-to-nature conversions

Join Slav Gatchev, Managing Director of Sustainable Debt at The Nature Conservancy, as he details the organisation's efforts to tackle the triple crisis affecting...

02 February 2023
Renewable energy

Uzbekistan renewables: The great Tashkent DFI cash dash

If a template were needed for DFIs and MDBs on how to kick-start and accelerate a developing market renewables sector – Uzbekistan would be a prime candidate. The project...

30 January 2023
Climate finance

Shoptalk: Catalysing eco innovation at the source

The ability to transform deserts into arable land, to pioneer mobile layaway systems for smallholder farmers, or to develop one-tap digital insurance platforms once...

26 January 2023
Traditional energy

Dhaka has a feedstock problem - DFI debt recycling could be part of the answer

Despite all the market uncertainties over the ongoing affordability of gas feedstock for Bangladesh's power sector, international commercial lenders appear to have...

19 January 2023
Renewable energy

Singrobo-Ahouaty: A small hydro IPP ripple effect in sub-Saharan Africa?

The 44MW Singrobo-Ahouaty hydropower project is a pathfinder – the first hydropower IPP to reach financial close in West Africa. While the probability of a rush of...

13 January 2023
Manufacturing, Renewable energy

Northvolt and Britishvolt: How and how not to finance major energy transition projects

With access to significant DFI backing and offtakers as equity investors, the contrast between the highly successful Northvolt EV battery gigafactory programme and the...

12 January 2023
Social projects

Introducing the Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund - Part two

Two-part series with Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P) and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA).

12 January 2023
Finance and other, Social projects

Introducing the Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund - Part one

Two-part series with Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P) and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA).

05 January 2023
Climate finance

Debt-for-nature swaps: Because the environment is worth it

Debt-for-nature swaps are growing in volume and frequency, and could play a significant part in delivering the COP15 biodiversity framework – if more IMF data were...

22 December 2022
Climate finance

COP27: Was it the 'implementation COP'?

COP27 was branded as the ‘implementation COP’ – this was the climate summit meant to finally fulfil financial pledges and translate talk into action. Aside from a few...

20 December 2022

Top development finance trends from 2022

The biggest trends across the development finance market in 2022 have been outlined by Uxolo's editorial team, with each one expected to spill over into 2023 and beyond.

15 December 2022
Renewable energy, Traditional energy

Renewables grid-lock?

Grid constraints are slowing the energy transition in both developed and developing markets. Should some of the DFI focus and support for new renewables capacity be...

08 December 2022

Islamic finance and sustainability: Green shoots but slow growth

There is a shared sense of social responsibility between sustainable and Islamic financing and, as the latter is estimated to reach $4 trillion by 2030, a union could...

01 December 2022

Cleaning up trade finance

The early stages of a project by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to target money laundering within trade and trade finance has already begun to show results. Catherine...

01 December 2022

Live webinar: A review of development finance market activity 2022

This Wednesday (30 Nov), Uxolo's director Sam McManus and Exile's head of insights and data Alfonso Olivas hosted a live webinar reviewing development finance's market...

30 November 2022
Agriculture/food chain, Climate finance, Finance and other, Health/education programmes, IT and telecoms, Manufacturing, Mining, Renewable energy, Social infrastructure, Social projects, Traditional energy, Waste and water

Brightmore Capital’s Ndeye Thiaw on impact investing in West Africa

Ndeye Thiaw, managing partner and co-founder of Brightmore Capital explains how the investment management and advisory firm channels smart capital into businesses...