
Uxolo Global 2022: Development & Impact Finance

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The event offered very insightful panels and it was a fantastic networking opportunity for investors from various backgrounds. Working for a DFI I found it particularly interesting to hear about the initiatives and business models of private capital investors.
Natalie de Wit
Head of Strategy

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Uxolo Global 2022: Development & Impact Finance


In partnership with the GIIN Investor Forum

Bringing its unique approach to delivering conferences, Uxolo Global 2022: Development & Impact Finance was an innovative and vitally important networking event in development finance. The industry came together on 11th October in The Hague as we theorised how the industry can mobilise large-scale private capital investment in climate, infrastructure and development finance projects.

Mobilising private capital into global development projects supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is of course a key priority for the MDBs & DFIs; and to help facilitate these blended finance structures we were delighted to be partnering with the Global Impact Investing Network's GIIN Investor Forum, which took place on the 12th & 13th October (after Uxolo Global), also in The Hague.

The partnership of these two events side by side was the perfect way to capitalise on networking opportunities between public and private capital during this period; with Uxolo bringing public institutions and The GIIN bringing private impact investors to the blended finance party. It was a match made in heaven.


View all event photos here

Top Takeaways 2022

1. There is a huge issue getting scale in emerging markets. As shown by our data, ECAs have increasingly moved to developed markets, and DFIs alone cannot fill the gap. Mobilising private capital is therefore essential. Accessing impact finance as allocated by some institutional investors remains limited however , as some pension funds for example are restricted in how much they can allocate to emerging markets - sometimes only 2-3%. 

2. One solution to this can be on a portfolio level, where a DFI guarantees an entire portfolio, and an investor provides capital into the portfolio as a whole, rather than specific projects. IFC and AfDB have already begun exploring this route. Another option could be bundling GSS bonds together and again, bringing in external capital that way.

3. Institutional partnerships are unsurprisingly a big trend. The size of the capital that needs to be provided. whether in terms of ESG or poverty alleviation / infra, is so large, that no one group of institutions can do it alone. One example of a very good partnership has been Afreximbank reinsurance of their entire portfolio using Marsh. Everyone knows exactly how to access the programme and dealing with a single insurance broker simplifies the process. 

4. There is a huge challenge creating enough pipeline for potential private investors. One option could be to see if investors might be prepared to allocate funds further up the chain, liaising with governments directly to create more projects; providing funds for capacity building. 

5. There are a number of big data initiatives in the market (JIM, GEMS), as there is an admission that there is not enough consistent data to attract private capital or institutional investors at scale. Part of that comes down to consistent labelling and definitions. But also DFIs have access to a database (GEMS) that impact investors / private capital cannot access. More info on portfolio size and default rates is needed. 

6. DFIs need to do a better job pricing their service into projects. Some DFIs do not charge at market rates, and so projects are not as interesting or given as much attention as they should be. There is a growing trend of younger, more commercial DFIs who are pricing their services into deals, and it will be interesting to see how this develops, with ideally shorter lead times to project close also. 


Stéphanie Émond
Stéphanie Émond
Chief Impact Officer
FinDev Canada
Leticia Ferreras
Leticia Ferreras
Portfolio Manager
Allianz Global Investors
Catherine Godschalk
Catherine Godschalk
VP Investments
Calvert Impact Capital
Victoria Miles
Victoria Miles
Founding Partner
ImpactA Global
Dietske Simons
Dietske Simons
Director of Finance
FMO - Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank
Tavraj Banga
Tavraj Banga
Co-Head Helios CLEAR Fund
Helios Group
Kofi Asumadu Addo
Kofi Asumadu Addo
Head, Guarantees & Specialised Finance
Wee Kii Teh
Wee Kii Teh
Associate Portfolio Manager
Allianz Global Investors
View All Speakers

2022 Attendees

  • Bechtel
  • Helios Group
  • HOMT España S.A.
  • Easy Solar
  • IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative
  • innpact
  • ResponsAbility
  • Record Currency Management
  • Phatisa
  • Trade & Development Bank (TDB)
  • Canada Infrastructure Bank
  • Incofin Investment Management
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Rabobank
  • BNP Paribas
  • ING Bank
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Afreximbank
  • World Bank Group
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)
  • Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
  • CAF - Development Bank of Latin America
  • FinDev Canada
  • Proparco
  • Nepal Infrastructure Bank Ltd.
  • New Development Bank
  • Finnfund
  • The Danish Development Finance Institution ( IFU )
  • Inter-American Development Bank
  • Bpifrance
  • African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • FMO Development Bank
  • FMO Development Bank & Joint Impact Model Foundation
  • Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
  • U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
  • KfW
  • Infrastructure South Africa
  • OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund)
  • National Treasury of South Africa
  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Willis Towers Watson
  • TXF
  • Allianz Global Investors
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Southeast Europe Management LLC
  • ImpactA Global
  • Calvert Impact Capital
  • Pangea Risk
  • Texel Finance Ltd.
  • Moblist
  • BPL Global
  • MassMutual
  • Global Innovation Fund
  • International Climate Finance Accelerator
  • Silverstreet Capital Llp
  • Shell Foundation
  • TF Consulting
  • Oecd
  • SIGNATURE Agri Investments
  • Ocean 14 Capital
  • British International Investing (BII)
  • Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB
  • Consilium Capital
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  • Marsh JLT Specialty
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Aegon Asset Management
  • Aegon
  • Uxolo
  • Tysers
  • FMO - Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank
  • AXA XL
  • Batlhabine Foundation
  • Cardano Development
  • Systemiq
  • SilverStreet Capital
  • BAF II
  • Grofin
  • Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU)
  • Heifer International
  • ImpactDev Africa
  • Creative Associates International
  • Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
  • Delphos
  • MCE Social Capital
  • WH Ireland
  • AR Consult
  • The Texel Group
  • Private Infrastructure Development Group ( PIDG )
  • Chemonics
  • Palladium Impact Capital
  • Exagon Impact Capital
  • abc Impact
  • KOIS Advisory
  • Eighteen East Capital
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Climate Policy Initiative
  • JIM Foundation
  • CrossBoundary Energy
  • Bechtel
  • Helios Group
  • HOMT España S.A.
  • Easy Solar
  • IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative
  • innpact
  • ResponsAbility
  • Record Currency Management
  • Phatisa
  • Trade & Development Bank (TDB)
  • Canada Infrastructure Bank
  • Incofin Investment Management
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Rabobank
  • BNP Paribas
  • ING Bank
  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
  • Afreximbank
  • World Bank Group
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
  • Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)
  • Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
  • CAF - Development Bank of Latin America
  • FinDev Canada
  • Proparco
  • Nepal Infrastructure Bank Ltd.
  • New Development Bank
  • Finnfund
  • The Danish Development Finance Institution ( IFU )
  • Inter-American Development Bank
  • Bpifrance
  • African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • FMO Development Bank
  • FMO Development Bank & Joint Impact Model Foundation
  • Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
  • U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC)
  • KfW
  • Infrastructure South Africa
  • OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund)
  • National Treasury of South Africa
  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
  • Willis Towers Watson
  • TXF
  • Allianz Global Investors
  • The Rockefeller Foundation
  • Southeast Europe Management LLC
  • ImpactA Global
  • Calvert Impact Capital
  • Pangea Risk
  • Texel Finance Ltd.
  • Moblist
  • BPL Global
  • MassMutual
  • Global Innovation Fund
  • International Climate Finance Accelerator
  • Silverstreet Capital Llp
  • Shell Foundation
  • TF Consulting
  • Oecd
  • SIGNATURE Agri Investments
  • Ocean 14 Capital
  • British International Investing (BII)
  • Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB
  • Consilium Capital
  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
  • Marsh JLT Specialty
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Aegon Asset Management
  • Aegon
  • Uxolo
  • Tysers
  • FMO - Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank
  • AXA XL
  • Batlhabine Foundation
  • Cardano Development
  • Systemiq
  • SilverStreet Capital
  • BAF II
  • Grofin
  • Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU)
  • Heifer International
  • ImpactDev Africa
  • Creative Associates International
  • Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
  • Delphos
  • MCE Social Capital
  • WH Ireland
  • AR Consult
  • The Texel Group
  • Private Infrastructure Development Group ( PIDG )
  • Chemonics
  • Palladium Impact Capital
  • Exagon Impact Capital
  • abc Impact
  • KOIS Advisory
  • Eighteen East Capital
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Climate Policy Initiative
  • JIM Foundation
  • CrossBoundary Energy
View All

Event Report 2023

Uxolo Awards 2021

Uxolo Development Finance Awards 2021: Pathfinders through the pandemic

We are delighted to present the Uxolo Development Finance Awards 2021 at Uxolo Global 2022: Development & Impact Finance in the Hague on 11 October!

There have been few years when development finance institutions have been tasked with more, although 2022-2023 will likely see an even greater uptick on the demand for DFI/MDB backing. Despite the enormity of fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic, innovation was rife in 2021, not only in pandemic-related funding but on all the SDGs. Uxolo is recognising those achievements with the launch of its annual awards, an independent and editorially-driven take on the best of development finance in 2021. 

Read more about the awards and winning deals here!

The Winners of 2021:

 Hydrogen Deal of the Year 2021  
CEOG Hydrogen

 Water Deal of the Year 2021  
Bita Water

Ground Transport Deal of the Year 2021
Kekava Bypass

Air Transport Deal of the Year
Almaty Airport Expansion

Municipal Deal of the Year 2021
Smart Luz

Onshore Wind Deal of the Year 2021
Lotus Wind

Large Hydro Deal of the Year 2021
Kinguele Aval

Solar Deal of the Year 2021
Kom Ombo Solar

Transition Energy Deal of the Year 2021
Basrah Gas

A huge congratulations to all our winners of 2021!


Uxolo Global 2022 will be taking place at The Hague Marriott hotel:

Johan de Wittlaan 30, 2517 JR Den Haag, Netherlands


The group rate at the hotel is no longer available. As the Marriott is now sold out.

Here are nearby hotels within a 15 minute walk from the venue:

B-aparthotel Kennedy

Best Western Hotel Den Haag

Rich in heritage, The Hague is a Royal City and the seat of government in The Netherlands. The historic city center includes a working palace; and as the International capital of Peace and Justice, most foreign embassies and 150 international organizations are located here. Easy access puts guests just 25 minutes from Rotterdam-The Hague Airport and 35 minutes from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.


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