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16 May 2018

Katipult adds Qatar Development Bank

Fintech group Katipult Technology has added Qatar Development Bank to implement its software into the lender's operations. The goal was to provide users with a...

16 May 2018

NIB and Brage Finans sign SME leasing financing deal

Nordic Investment Bank and Norway’s Brage Finans have signed a €18 million loan agreement for financing equipment leasing for small and medium-sized...

16 May 2018

Bahrain Development Bank launches $100m VC Fund

Bahrain Development Bank has launched a $100 million venture capital "fund of funds" to support startups in Bahrain and across the Middle East. The Al Waha...

15 May 2018

BNDES profit rises with sale of Petrobras shares

Brazilian state-run development bank BNDES posted an increase in profits in the first quarter as it reversed loan-loss provisions and sold shares in oil giant...

15 May 2018

ADB hires Amy S.P. Leung as Director General for East Asia

The Asian Development Bank has appointed Amy S.P. Leung as the new Director General of its East Asia Department, where she will lead ADB's engagement with China, Hong...

15 May 2018
Renewable energy

EIB and China Exim agree €300m climate projects loan

The European Investment Bank will provide a €300 million framework loan in new climate finance partnership with the Export-Import Bank of China. The initiative is...

14 May 2018

IFC: Wiebke Schloemer is new Director for the Europe and Central Asia

The International Finance Corporation has appointed Wiebke Schloemer as its new Director for the Europe and Central Asia region. The former IFC regional infrastructure...

14 May 2018

EBRD and Jordan to step up infrastructure development

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Jordan have sign a memorandum of understanding in connection with an infrastructure investment programme of more...

14 May 2018
Agriculture/food chain

IFC may extend $20m debt to boost Sri Lankan agri SMEs

The International Finance Corporation has proposed to extend up to $20 million local currency equivalent loan facility to Sri Lanka-based Central Finance Company. The...

11 May 2018

ADB and Citi agree $100m trade finance deal to help SMEs

The Asian Development Bank's Trade Finance Programme has signed a $100 million deal with Citi to share risk on a funded basis underlying trade finance...

11 May 2018

EBRD trade finance awards honour partner banks

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's Trade Facilitation Programme (TFP) has named its most successful partner banks in 2017 in an award ceremony at...

11 May 2018

EBRD partners with Turkey’s credit guarantee fund to unlock €300m for women-led firms

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Turkey's Kredi Garanti Fonu (KGF) - a credit guarantee institution - are joining forces to expand financing...

11 May 2018

EBRD partners with Bank Al Etihad in Jordan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Jordan's Bank Al Etihad are joining forces under a $20 million risk-sharing agreement. The EBRD will share...

10 May 2018
Renewable energy

Galloper offshore wind farm tests bank appetite for refi

Sponsors of the £1.8 billion ($2.43 billion) 336MW Galloper offshore wind farm project in the UK – RWE, Siemens, Sumitomo and Green Investment Group –...

10 May 2018
Traditional energy

GuarantCo backs Quantum Terminals' landmark Ghana bond

GuarantCo has signed a deal with Quantum Terminals in support of Quantum's LPG storage business in Ghana. Quantum Terminals is issuing a GHS 45 million ($10 million),...

10 May 2018
Waste and water

EBRD, EU finance waste management project in Ulaanbaatar

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a €7.9 million loan to Ulaanbaatar municipality to improve the Mongolian capital city's...

10 May 2018

IFC provides first loan in Egyptian pounds

The International Finance Corporation is providing a $15 million loan mainly in Egyptian pounds to Vinavil Egypt for Chemicals, a manufacturer of construction-related...

10 May 2018

EBRD-backed United Group plans €600m investment in Western Balkans

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development-backed United Group will invest over €600 million in south-eastern Europe over the next five years. The private...

10 May 2018
Renewable energy

MIGA backs 3 wind farms in South Africa

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency has announced guarantees of $73 million to support the construction, operation and maintenance of Noupoort, Khobab, and,...

09 May 2018

Iraq requests EBRD bank membership and support

Iraq has made a formal request to become a member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. If the country is successful in its bid, it would take the...